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Festivals are a vital part of our school life and curriculum as they celebrate the seasonal changes and acknowledge and incorporate central human values and virtues. The festival motifs are brought into the classroom through story, song, movement, drama and decoration. Many festivals are observed only in conjunction with the specific curriculum of a particular grade while others are celebrated in the context of all school assemblies or celebrations.


Festivals during the fall reflect the bounty of the harvest as well as inner and outer preparation for the coming darkness of winter. Some of the festivals SWS celebrates are Michaelmas, Halloween, Martinmas.

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Winter festivals remind us of the light shining within each individual in the midst of the encroaching darkness of the season. Some of the festivals celebrated are Advent, St. Nicholas Day, Santa Lucia, Hannukah, Christmas, Epiphany and Candlemas.

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Spring festivals reflect nature’s breathing out, the growth of new plant life and the lengthening of the daylight hours. Some of the festivals SWS celebrates are Easter, May Day and Earth Day.

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