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Treasurer to the Board of Directors of Sunrise Educational Society
Board Officer Job Description
Board Director & Officer Role

As the governing body of Sunrise Waldorf School (school), the Sunrise Educational Society (SES) Board stewards
and safeguards the school for future generations. The SES Board focuses on the school's good governance,
strategic priorities, and supports executive decision-making. It ensures that school policies align with the Society's
Vision and Mission; and reduces fiduciary risk through appropriate and regular oversight and assessment.
In addition to serving as a Board Director, the Treasurer provides guidance to the SES Board of Directors and assists
the SWS Head of School (HOS) making financial decisions and overseeing Society finances. The Treasurer works
closely with Finance Committee members to monitor and maintain the long-term fiscal health of the Society and
Primary Duties:
● Assist in developing and evaluating financial management policies
● Assist in the preparation of Sunrise Waldorf School’s annual budget and its presentation to the board in a
timely manner
● Provide regular financial updates at board meetings, up to monthly, at a minimum quarterly include
financial performance indicators
● Present the organization’s financial report at the Annual General Meeting
● Monitor the Ministry of Education and Child Care Per Student Operating Costs (PSOC), tuition rates, and
tuition adjustment programs of the school
● Serve as Chair of the Finance Committee
Secondary Duties
● Serve as a co-signer of withdrawals as needed
● Ensure that excess funds and reserves are properly held and invested
● Recommend review or renewal of the auditing services provided
● Annually review Directors and Officers’ insurance
● Manage financial liability
● Keep the Board informed of relevant financial events, trends, and issues
● Maintain document retention timelines and oversee corresponding destruction of records
Committee Membership and Mandate
The Treasurer is automatically a member of the Finance Committee. Many of the Treasurer's primary and
secondary duties are executed in collaboration with Sunrise Waldorf School leadership. The Treasurer supports the
work of the Finance Committee which has the following duties (for SES and SWS):
● Oversee the long term fiscal health of the Society and Sunrise Waldorf School
● Support and implement strategic fiscal goals of the Society and Sunrise Waldorf School
● Oversee the accurate and up to date management of appropriate financial records
● Ensure government tax filings and remittances are submitted on time
● Ensure payroll and other liabilities are settled in a timely manner
● Review and collaboratively update tuition rates and support the tuition adjustment program

● Monitor PSOC
● Verify school donation policies are established and updated as needed and are adhered to
● Seek Board approval of all proposed variances on line items and projects
● Work collaboratively with the school accountant on the Annual Financial Audit
The Treasurer is committed to the Society’s Mission and strategic direction. They have an understanding of, and
experience with good financial management and reporting practices. They have an appreciation of the kind and
level of financial information needed at a Board level to support decision making; and preferably have a
professional designation in the areas of accounting or financial management. In addition the Treasurer is:
● Available to be contacted for ad hoc advice
● Aware of legal, political, and risk management
● Familiar with Waldorf Schools and culture
● A resident of the community or within 100 km of Duncan
Term of Office
Two year term, renewable in accordance to the bylaws
Time Commitment
This position requires a commitment of approximately 8 -10 hours a month.
The Board Treasurer is an Executive and voting member of the Board of Directors and appointed in a manner
consistent with the Bylaws. The role is accountable to the Board for the fulfillment of the duties and
responsibilities outlined in the Bylaws, the Society’s policies and procedures, this job description and the SES
Board Principles of Best Practice. All Directors and Board Officers are provided a supportive annual evaluation by
the Board or Vice Chair, and are asked to complete a reflective, annual self evaluation. The Treasurer may be
removed from the board, by special resolution, and in accordance with the Bylaws, for not performing his/her
duties or not being in good standing over three months.
The Treasurer, as other board members, has no authority to direct staff or take independent action on matters
outside of the duties outlined herein unless given such authority by the Board.

Approved: To Be Reviewed: 12/19/2023

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